Is Alexis Ayala an American?
Just wondering whether Alexis Ayala, who plays Cesar Luis on "Juan Querendon," is an American citizen. I know he was born in San Francisco, his real first name is David, and he has a daughter named Stephanie, so all of that sounds potentially American, but I can't find much more info about him online.
From the first time I saw the show, I wondered if he was American, simply because I find him easier to understand than the other actors. I don't know Spanish well enough to tell if he has an accent, but (to my ear) he seems to speak more slowly and clearly than most telenovela actors. The last time I thought this about an actor (Guy Ecker) he did turn out to be an American.
Well, that's not entirely true, I also thought that about the actor who played Luigi on "La Fea Mas Bella," and I don't know if he's American. So maybe this is all in my imagination. But if anyone knows more about the good-looking and clear-speaking Mr. Ayala than Wikipedia has to offer, please share.
Labels: Alexis Ayala, Yo Amo a Juan