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Thursday, May 03, 2007

Duelo de Pasiones shooting spree (updated in July)

Let's see, how many shootings have there been now on "Duelo de Pasiones"?

ALFONSINA - shot by Alvaro (and died)
ALINA - shot by Sergio
ALVARO'S TATTOOED JAIL FRIEND -- shot while trying to escape (and died)
CASTULO - shot by Braulio (and died)
ELIAS - shot by Sergio

EMILIO - shot twice by Alvaro
FELICIA - shot by authorities (and died)
GASPAR - shot three times, once by Sergio, once by Orlando, and once by Emilio (although Emilio's shot only tranquilized him, should that count?)

HOTEL CLERK - shot by Alfonsina (and probably died)
HUGO - shot by Alfonsina (and died)
JACINTO - shot by authorities (and died)
JOSE - shot by Orlando (and died)
MAXIMO - shot by Castulo
ROSITA'S UNFORTUNATE DRIVER (I don't recall his name) - shot by Castulo (and died)

SERGIO - shot by Emilio with his trusty tranquilizer gun (thank you to Sylvia for telling me about this one)
SOLEDAD - shot by Alvaro

WOULD-BE ASSASSIN HIRED BY HUGO (again, I forget his name) - shot by Alvaro (and died)
DR. Z - shot by Castulo (and died)

So by my count, Alvaro is most bloodthirsty, having five shootings to his credit. Emilio and Gaspar are the most bulletproof, having survived two wounds apiece. Gaspar wins if we count the time Emilio shot him with a tranquilizer gun.

Hmm. I've listed ONLY 21 shootings. It seems as if there have been 21,000 on this show. Who am I forgetting?

(Note: I missed about eight episodes because I was on vacation, but Sylvia kindly let me know about the shootings I missed. Thank you!)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Carmel: It occurred to me last night that I have never seen so many shootings in succession in a long time......AND so many miraculous recoveries. Imagine having a LUBA living near us? That would put those HMOs and their beaurocracies in their place, huh!!
BTW, I have lost some interest in Orlando recently....maybe because of the scratches on his face or maybe because he is so so pathetic a character.

11:44 AM  
Blogger NONE said...

Yes, Orlando was more attractive when he was smirking confidently. Now he's just scowling desperately!

Isn't it strange that Luba, with her super powers, hasn't healed Angel yet? He's the only one left to heal!

12:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, this is a great list Carmel! I was just wondering this week how many shootings there have been so far in this show. They do seem gun crazy don't they? Considering how often they pull out their guns and wave them around it's a miracle that more people haven't been shot.

10:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just remembered one more. Emilio shot Sergio with the tranquilizer gun. This was back when he was trying to help Alina get married to Orlando.

4:12 PM  
Blogger NONE said...

Oh, I don't remember that at all (maybe it happened when I was away?) but I'll add it to the list -- thank you!

1:29 AM  

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