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Monday, April 09, 2007

¡Mira! April 16 issue

I have here a copy of the 16 de Abril issue of ¡Mira!, which is a Spanish-language celebrity gossip tabloid. The cover story is an interview with Angélica Vale, who plays Lety in "La Fea Más Bella."

It's got some photos of Lety after her transformation from fea to bella -- wow! -- but be warned, there are also some photos of Lety with Aldo and Fernando that make it very plain which man she's going to end up with, so don't look at that article if you want to be even the tiniest bit surprised.

After reading at that article and wishing I hadn't, I looked more closely at the cover of the issue and thought, hey, is that a photo of Maximo from "Duelo de Pasiones" in the upper right-hand corner? And yes, it is!

The headline next to the photo screams, La Ex De Rafael Rojas Alega: "¡Él Es Bisexual!"

Él es? Ay! I had to check that article out.

As the title suggests, it's an interview with his ex-wife, Milena Santana. The introduction says she accuses him of being "drogadicto y bisexual." He denies it, "saying he is rehabilitated from his addictions" and threatening to contrademandarla (does this mean "counter-sue her"?) but she "insists on the bisexuality of the Costa Rican."

The interview itself is mostly about her acting ambitions, so all I learned about Rafael Rojas was that he has two daughters with Ms. Santana and another daughter from a previous relationship.

At the end of the interview there's a note that says (I think) that Rojas says he has been off drugs for five or six years and is supporting his daughters.

All I can say is that Rafael Rojas is by far the most entertaining thing about "Duelo de Pasiones." I'm never bored when he's on the screen. And he's quite good-looking, isn't he?

Here's what Wikipedia has to say about him:

Rafael Rojas.

This issue of ¡Mira! also has an interview with Ana Martin, who plays Luba in "Duelo." It says she's a former sex symbol, which doesn't surprise me -- she is so pretty.

I am surprised, however, to learn that she's 60. She doesn't look it at all. The article says she's had liposuction recently, so I suppose there may be some other surgical explanation for her well-preserved looks, but it's certainly working for her.

The article says she feels agile but wouldn't want to pose for a men's magazine (she did it when she was young and didn't like it at that stage, much less now). And she wouldn't write her autobiography because it would upset many people and she'd surely end up in jail, "porque llevé una vida privada muy escabrosa" (which I think means something like "because I lived a very unconventional private life")!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is all fantastic gossip! I especially like the bit about Ana Martin; she certainly sounds like an interesting person. I remember reading one time that she was in a program where for many months she had to wear geisha makeup and it destroyed her face; she had to have plastic surgery for that.

I also adore the Don Maximo character in Duelo. Rafael Rojas has beautiful eyes. When a good-looking man can make the audience absolutely loathe him as a villain then he's doing a good job. It seems like he, Ana Martin, and El Intocable (Gaspar) are having a blast with their parts. Orlando and Singing Auntie also seem to be enjoying themselves. I could swear that sometimes Orlando is about to crack up after saying a particularly ridiculous line.

Glad to hear that Rafael Rojas is kicking, or trying to kick, the drug habit.

Thanks Carmel, very interesting information.

3:51 PM  
Blogger NONE said...

Oh, I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I did! That's amazing about Ana Martin and the geisha makeup. How horrible for her, but the surgeon did a great job. I'm not a big fan of plastic surgery, but she looks great.

I get the same impression that Orlando is enjoying himself. And that makes me enjoy watching him. Really, aside from Emilio the Wooden One, this show has an excellent cast.

I'm quite keen on Rafael Rojas thanks to his entertaining performance in Duelo (and his good looks don't hurt). When I saw that article I thought, "If he's a bisexual drug addict, we need more of those on TV." But that comment didn't look quite right in print, so I removed it from the blog post. Pretend I never said it! (I swear, I'm not endorsing drug use, I'm only kidding!)

10:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear you. I think it must be very difficult to be an actor and a star. I always think of poor Judy Garland who, as a child, was fed uppers during the day to keep her perky and then downers during the night so she could sleep. It's probably not much easier for the adults. It seems like the happiest stars are the ones who are able to stay relatively out of the spotlight and maintain some sort of privacy.

I just imagine how I would feel if my personal life was scrutinized. Yikes...some things are best left in the past. Thank goodness I'm not important enough for any of my exes to kiss and tell.

5:25 PM  
Blogger NONE said...

That's why I feel bad about posting some of this gossip. But we hear so little about them in the U.S. (in English, anyway) so every little tidbit is interesting to me. I don't have much interest in current American celebrities, but telenovela actors really are stars to me, for some reason. Maybe that's because I know so little about them personally. It gives them some mystique.

6:28 PM  

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