Juan Querendon characters as Sims
Nidia from "Yo Amoa a Juan Querendon" as a Sim:

Well, that's the best I could do. She's dancing with Juan there, if you can't tell. The designers of The Sims obviously don't share his fashion sense because I couldn't find the right clothing or hairstyle to do him justice. (I couldn't find a remotely Yadira-like hairstyle, either.)
Here's my Sim version of Marely. I've just noticed that I made her eyes blue -- they should be brown! (Actually they look black to me on TV, but The Sims doesn't offer that option, unfortunately.)

And finally, Juan and Nidia having dinner:
Awesome! Too bad you already have to change your Juan sim - he is sans mullet now.
Yes, Juan also has to work out more, not that he'll ever look like the "real" Juan!
I got this idea from my mom, who has recreated almost the entire cast of Duelo de Pasiones as Sims (yes, we are nuts in this family). Her Maximo looks awesome -- mustache, black hat, and all.
Hey can we see Maximo's Sim?
Yeah I want to see that too. Do you have all versions of Alina, like hot Alina from the beginning, puffy Alina from later on, and especially (my favorite) ugly crying Alina?
Hahaha! no sorry, she has only one version of Alina and that one doesn't really look very Alina-like. But she's dressed in an appropriately tight Alina-shirt (that's pretty much the only wardrobe offered in The Sims 2).
My mom keeps forgetting to take a screen shot of Maximo for me, but I'll ask her again. I have to hurry because she's planning to kill off all the Sims who died on the show(!!!) so Maximo (and Thelma and Gaspar) aren't long for her Sim world.
(About Marely-Sim, it turns out that I did make her eyes brown, after all, even though they don't look that way in the picture.)
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