In my dreams
I have been enjoying "Querida Enemiga," but was surprised to have a dream last night about Ernesto, the new love interest for heroine Lorena.
On the show Ernesto is a (very attractive) chef and cooking teacher. In my dream, I was walking to school and was surprised to see that Ernesto was the crossing guard. I wondered, "Why are they making him do this? He's my English teacher!" (Yes, English, not Spanish. Don't ask me.)
Then I went into the school and saw him mopping the floor. Poor guy. That school was really taking advantage of him.
If I'm going to dream about Ernesto, you'd think I could do a bit better than that, but that was the whole dream.
I have no idea what the dream meant. But Ernesto -- aka whatever-the-actor's-real-name is -- is welcome to teach me English anytime.
Labels: Querida Enemiga