Heridas de Amor - Episode 8
Fabricio told Alejandro that he truly loves Florencia and is not marrying her out of pity.
He is apparently divorced from their mother. Gonzalo said to himself that Julio (the older man who works with him) has betrayed him twice, once by trying to help Fernanda, and he won't let Julio betray him again.
With Alejandro's help, Fernanda got a job at one of the most important hospitals in the country. She commented that Nati, the sick old woman she's been worried about, is recovering now.
Fernanda called Tomasa (the servant), who asked where Fernanda has been all these years. Fernanda said she's been hiding from Gonzalo. She arranged to meet Tomasa.
Alejandro overheard Gonzalo receiving a phone call about delays in the building of their hotel. Alejandro smirked to himself about this.
Miranda arrived and Alejandro said he's surprised to hear that she's an economist, that he sees her as more of a social worker. Miranda didn't seem to like him saying that because she doesn't want Gonzalo to find out about her social work. As Alejandro left, he said, "It's always a pleasure to see you, Miranda," and she replied, "It's a pity I can't say the same about you."
Gonzalo told Miranda that he wants to build grand hotels in Europe with Alejandro to secure his daughters' future. Miranda said she has work of her own, and Gonzalo insisted he wants to her come work for him, that she is to be his successor.
Cesar told Miranda that Alejandro is a nobody and she shouldn't take gifts from him. Alejandro arrived and got into a dispute with Cesar, then said he might cancel his business with the company because of the way Cesar treats him. Miranda told Alejandro to be more polite, saying, "There is a magic word that opens all doors: please."
Miranda told Gonzalo, "Alejandro is used to giving orders, and Cesar isn't used to taking them." Gonzalo said, "Cesar is just an employee, and Alejandro is my associate." Miranda asked if he's sure the money Alejandro has invested in the business is clean, and Gonzalo showed her figures that proved Alejandro is very rich. Miranda was surprised.
The man at the art gallery told Pamela, "It's your fault that I lost my job. You're not my equal. I'm a man, and you're just an old woman." Then he tore up all her photos. Gonzalo hired a lawyer to help Pamela prosecute the man.
Fernanda asked Alejandro, "Haven't you ever been in love?" and Alejandro said no, love only causes suffering. "My father loved you all his life, and all his life he suffered."
Gonzalo learned that Julio violated company policies in some way. Gonzalo said, "We need to find out who bought those deeds." Cesar seems to be involved in whatever Julio is accused of doing.
Nuria demanded to know why Cesar kissed Renata, and he said he isn't interested in Renata, that she's just a girl who doesn't know what she wants.
Julio had a conversation with Miranda. After Miranda left, Julio said to himself, "You don't know what kind of father you have, you poor little girl."
That night at the party to celebrate Florencia's engagement to Fabricio, Tomasa told Miranda to be strong, then said, "Just like you, Fernanda was Bertha's victim."
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