Juan Querendon recap for Tuesday, October 16
Paula told Marely that Fernando saw her kissing Cesar Luis. Marely said, "Do you have to destroy Juan's heart? Bravo, congratulations!" Paula protested that she "felt bad" for Juan, and assured Marely he wouldn't lose his job as long as Pastor was working for Farell.
Cesar Luis apologized to Pastor for being aggressive earlier. "Friends, right?" He insisted that Pastor accept a whiskey, then asked in his smarmy casual way, "How did it go with Monica? I heard you went out with her for a little coffee."
Pastor said he asked Monica to protect him from Cesar Luis. CL insisted he wouldn't really have fired Pastor, who was his right hand. Pastor revealed that he hadn't told Monica the truth about CL and Paula.
Monica went home and told Chelo it seemed the attraction between CL and Paula was mutual. She said if she found out anything had happened between them, it would go very badly for CL and Paula.
Alirio bored CL with a report about his investigation (not mentioning the embezzlement, apparently). CL yelled at Alirio for interrupting him with his stupidities and ordered Alirio out of the office. As usual, everyone in the office heard the argument.
Fernando told Juan he'd told him how things were for his own good. Juan asked Fernando to promise not to talk about Paula anymore. Fernando agreed and they shook hands. Paula showed up and asked Juan to take her to a car lot so she could buy a car. (Of course she does this on company time. Why not.)
At the car lot, Juan got into the back seat with Paula and said, "You don't know what this relationship means for me. It's the most important thing that's happened in my life." Paula complained that he had made plans without consulting her (yes, what a jerk, bringing her breakfast without permission!!)
Juan said he could change if she asked him to. Paula said, "The problem isn't you. It's me." Juan said, "I love you. Doesn't that mean anything to you?" Paula said, "A lot. But the decision is made."
Later, as Paula talked to a car salesman, Juan puzzled over why she had led him on and then suddenly dropped him. On the way back to work, Juan told Paula he didn't feel like talking, thinking that he would give her some of her own medicine.
Alirio called Nidia and said he might quit his job. I didn't get Nidia's reply, but Alirio didn't like it.
Yadira showed up in the garage to see Enrique. He asked why she wouldn't leave him in peace anywhere he went. Yadira said, "I am pregnant. You are going to be a papa. Congratulations!" Enrique exclaimed, "How could you do this?" Yadira said "I didn't do it alone. Why don't we get married before we tell my mother." Enrique still wasn't happy, so Yadira stormed off. Fernando asked, "Problems?"
When Juan and Paula arrived back at the office, Juan didn't open the car door for Paula, just started reading a newspaper. Paula got in front the seat with him and complained about his attitude, saying it was typical macho infantile behavior. "I thought you were a special man, different from all the other men." She said he was making her very sad. (Oh, boo hoo!) She even said, "We had something very beautiful."
After she left, Enrique commented that he'd never seen Juan neglect to open the door for Paula before. Thinking that he had to save his image, Juan bragged that Paula had said she was "nothing without him," etc.
Gomez told Alirio he didn't get along with his accomplice so he would reveal who it was: Pastor Gaitan.
Paula complained to Marely that she hadn't expected Juan to react the way he did. She went into a dreamy trance, saying that Juan was the perfect man, then snapped out of it. This woman really is confused.
Juan told Enrique that he had an idea to get Paula back, but he didn't have much time. Enrique told Juan that Yadira is pregnant. He declared that he would never abandon his children, and said he'd always dreamed of being a papa, then looked distressed and added, "But Yadira is never going to change."
Yadira went home and told Nidia (who was in the bathtub) that she was pregnant. Nidia cried and said Yadira had done the worst possible thing to her, "You've made me into a grandmother! This can't be happening to me!"
Back at the garage, Juan made a phone call, then told Enrique he was going to serenade his beloved licenciada tonight. He showed Enrique a Pablo Montero CD.
When Cesar Luis and Paula left work, Juan observed the icy atmosphere between them and was relieved that he didn't have to worry about CL for a while.
Aliro met with Pastor and revealed that he knew Pastor had authorized the illicit transactions (or words to that effect). Pastor said, "You are accusing me!" Alirio said it was not only him, it was also Gomez.
When Juan reached Paula's house, he opened the car door for her, then asked if she would be home that night. Bowling-Ball Boobs said yes, she was tired and wouldn't be going anywhere. Juan was pleased that she would be there when he came back with Pablo Montero.
He and Enrique went to a hotel, wearing sunglasses. Juan put on some accent, Cuban I suppose, and asked the desk clerk for Pablo Montero. The clerk said Pablo was busy. Juan claimed he was Emilio Estefan (a musician, Gloria Estefan's husband). The clerk believed it and called Pablo's room. Before Juan and Enrique went upstairs, a woman saw them and told the desk clerk Juan wasn't Emilio Estefan. She called security.
Security guards chased Juan and Enrique through the halls upstairs. Somehow they made it to Pablo M.'s room. Pablo came in, dressed just like Emiliooo from "Duelo de Pasiones," including a cowboy hat. Juan tried to hug him, but Pablo wasn't buying it, so Juan introduced himself and said he'd told "a little lie in the cause of love. Only you can help me get back the love of my life!"
Before Pablo could answer, security guards ran in and pointed guns at Juan. This really is starting to seem like an episode of Duelo de Estupidos.
No recap from me tomorrow, but at Sylvia's request I will do one more, on Thursday.
Labels: Yo Amo a Juan
OMG, I totally had a Duelo de Estupidos flashback when Pablo popped in with his famous Emilioooo single expression. Thank goodness all he has to do is sing, which he does quite nicely. Seeing him makes me appreciate this telenovela so very much. No more Duhlina and Duhmilio, the constantly imprisoned Soledad, whining Rosita. However I do miss our Don Maxi Kebab and the studly Gaspar.
Bowling ball boobs...ha ha!!! You have such a great way summing things up.
Thanks again for recapping for me on Thursday!
You're welcome, and YES, I did notice that Pablo was wearing that SAME all-purpose expression!!!!
Does anybody know the name of the song that Pablo Montero sing at the serenade at Paula's house. I have gone absolutely mad looking for them.
Unfortunately I can't recall what he sang at all. Do you remember any of the lyrics?
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