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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Heridas de Amor - Episode 10

Cesar told Miranda, "I have always loved you." She said, "There can be nothing between us," and warned him that he will be fired if he touches her again.

Alejandro told Gonzalo that his father (Alfredo) lived for years with pain from the bullets in his back, and he is going to get revenge on the man who shot him. Gonzalo said, "Revenge is a pleasure," and "You are right to hate the aggressor." (Gonzalo doesn't know the name of the man he shot, so he doesn't know it was Alejandro's father.)

Miranda overheard part of their conversation and was upset. Alejandro told her not to take what he said seriously, "It was metaphorical only," and Miranda retorted, "Do you think I'm stupid?" After Alejandro left, she told Gonzalo, "Don't trust this man. I don't like hearing you talk of revenge."

Cesar visited Bertha at the hospital and said, "I proposed to Miranda, and she told me to go to the devil." Bertha replied, "I told you that you have to win her little by little. Your first error was kissing her by force. Your second error was asking her to marry you. I thought you were smarter than that."

Bertha also said, "When I return home, things will be different, and then Miranda will be yours."

Alejandro's sister, Lisania, and stepmother, Daira, arrived. He said he will leave his hotel and go live with them.

When Miranda and Pamela saw Alejandro with the two women, Pamela said, "He told me he wasn't married." Miranda marched up to Alejandro and asked, "Aren't you going to introduce us?" Lisania said, "I am his daughter, and this is my mother."

After Miranda left, Daira said, "That was a terrible thing to do. Why did you let her do that, Alejandro." Alejandro laughed and asked his daughter if Miranda should be his girlfriend. Lisania said, "Maybe, but she has to suffer a little."

Later Lisania pulled her mother aside and said, "Eyes don't lie. Alejandro and Miranda are in love."

Fernanda met Tomasa, who told her that Bertha has taught Fernanda's daughters to hate her.

Renata, taking drugs with her friends, said, "I think Bertha is my mother. I am the daughter of sin. I am the daughter of no one!" then collapsed. One of her friends said something like, "She's our friend, we can't leave her like this," and the other (apparently a drug dealer) said, "I don't have friends. She is a good client. She is at home, not in the street," and they both left.

Florencia took Renata to the clinic. Fernanda said Renata appeared to be on drugs, and Miranda said, "Renata never takes drugs."

Florencia looked guilty, and Miranda got her to admit that Renata overdosed once before but Bertha told her not to tell anyone. Miranda told Fernanda, "My sister is an addict." Fernanda said not to worry, Renata's overdose is nothing serious, only marijuana.

Florencia asked Fernanda to talk to their father (about Renata, I think). Fernanda of course doesn't want to do this because she's hiding from Gonzalo, but she agreed. Miranda said, "I'd prefer it was in front of us." Fernanda said, "You can count on me."

Fernanda told Florencia, "After your honeymoon, we will start a series of tests on your heart." Florencia invited Fernanda to her wedding.


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