Trying to Translate
I'm trying to learn Spanish by watching telenovelas. Please share your comments about the shows, too. I know I'm not the only English-speaking person who's hooked on telenovelas!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Not much at all about Orlando
In a comment on an earlier post, someone asked for info about the actor who plays Orlando in "Duelo de Pasiones." Well, his name is Alejandro Ávila, and according to he has been acting since 1990. (I remember seeing him in "Piel de Otoño" as Bruno, another smirking villainous role.)
That's all IMDB has to say, and there's no Wikipedia entry about him, so it's time to do an Internet search...
It seems there is an American murderer by the same name, so that's making the search more difficult. I don't see anything in English about Alejandro Ávila the actor except this page, which says his birthday is February 9 (no year given). Guess I'll have to stop being lazy and start trying to translate.
But no, I can't find much in Spanish, either. Here's a fan site: Alejandro Avila Club de Fans, but it requires registration so I won't bother with that. It doesn't seem to be very active, anyway.
So I tried but I cannot find any real info about this man... no biography, no gossip, nothing. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places. Maybe he's not a superstar, but he's a cute guy and you'd think someone somewhere would have SOMETHING to say about him. Anyone out there have any information to share?
Labels: Actors, Duelo de Pasiones
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Monday, April 09, 2007
¡Mira! April 16 issue
I have here a copy of the 16 de Abril issue of ¡Mira!, which is a Spanish-language celebrity gossip tabloid. The cover story is an interview with Angélica Vale, who plays Lety in "La Fea Más Bella."
It's got some photos of Lety after her transformation from fea to bella -- wow! -- but be warned, there are also some photos of Lety with Aldo and Fernando that make it very plain which man she's going to end up with, so don't look at that article if you want to be even the tiniest bit surprised.
After reading at that article and wishing I hadn't, I looked more closely at the cover of the issue and thought, hey, is that a photo of Maximo from "Duelo de Pasiones" in the upper right-hand corner? And yes, it is!
The headline next to the photo screams, La Ex De Rafael Rojas Alega: "¡Él Es Bisexual!"
Él es? Ay! I had to check that article out.
As the title suggests, it's an interview with his ex-wife, Milena Santana. The introduction says she accuses him of being "drogadicto y bisexual." He denies it, "saying he is rehabilitated from his addictions" and threatening to contrademandarla (does this mean "counter-sue her"?) but she "insists on the bisexuality of the Costa Rican."
The interview itself is mostly about her acting ambitions, so all I learned about Rafael Rojas was that he has two daughters with Ms. Santana and another daughter from a previous relationship.
At the end of the interview there's a note that says (I think) that Rojas says he has been off drugs for five or six years and is supporting his daughters.
All I can say is that Rafael Rojas is by far the most entertaining thing about "Duelo de Pasiones." I'm never bored when he's on the screen. And he's quite good-looking, isn't he?
Here's what Wikipedia has to say about him:
Rafael Rojas.
This issue of ¡Mira! also has an interview with Ana Martin, who plays Luba in "Duelo." It says she's a former sex symbol, which doesn't surprise me -- she is so pretty.
I am surprised, however, to learn that she's 60. She doesn't look it at all. The article says she's had liposuction recently, so I suppose there may be some other surgical explanation for her well-preserved looks, but it's certainly working for her.
The article says she feels agile but wouldn't want to pose for a men's magazine (she did it when she was young and didn't like it at that stage, much less now). And she wouldn't write her autobiography because it would upset many people and she'd surely end up in jail, "porque llevé una vida privada muy escabrosa" (which I think means something like "because I lived a very unconventional private life")!
Labels: Actors, Duelo de Pasiones
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Monday, April 02, 2007
Pablo de Pasiones
Well, I said would post something about Pablo Montero, also known as Emilio in "Duelo de Pasiones," so I'd better hurry up and do it since the show seems to be drawing to a close.
I'll take the lazy way out and start, as always, with Wikipedia. It says Pablo Montero was born in August 1974, which makes him 32 years old. He's a teen idol who has been romantically linked to Susana Gonzalez (who played the lawyer Liliana on "Heridas de Amor"), and to another actress I've never heard of, and to three former Miss Universes. And that's all Wikipedia has to say.
I tried the Spanish version of Wikipedia, and what do you know? "No existe ningún artículo con el título que has escrito." Maybe Mexicans don't use Wikipedia much yet. doesn't have anything to add except that he is 5' 10¾" tall and has acted in eight television shows since 1990. Judging by "Duelo," maybe he should stick to singing.
And can he sing? Well, here's a video from YouTube:
Que voy a hacer sin ti.
Kind of a boring song, but he's an OK crooner. And he looks good. I wouldn't mind being a former Miss Universe.
OK, time for some Spanish-language articles:
Pablo Montero lamenta su ruptura con Ludwika Paleta
Culpa Montero a la prensa
Biografía de Pablo Montero
And if you want to know his favorite color and what he wears to bed, here's an interview: Entre Chule y Paleta...
And with that I say adios to Señor Montero.
Labels: Actors, Duelo de Pasiones