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Thursday, November 16, 2006

Heridas de Amor - Episode 89

Luis Alberto told Cesar, "We need to run away!" Cesar said, "Only cowards run away." Luis Alberto said, "I don't want to spend the rest of my life in jail," and Cesar (insanely angry), yelled, "Absolutely nobody is going to jail!" He said if Gonzalo wanted to have them arrested he'd have done it already, adding, "I am going to play my last card."

He told Luis Alberto about Lisania's death, saying she died of a heart attack. Luis Alberto commented that Cesar had disposed of the body in cold blood, and Cesar said, "Now you know what I'm capable of doing if you betray me." Luis Alberto said, "I will never betray you."

Nuria showed up and Cesar was all over her, kissing her and calling her "mi vida." He said to tell anyone who asks that she's been living with him since they got married, she was with him last night, and no one came to see him.

Nuria said Bertha wants her to make a will. Cesar said maybe Bertha wants to kill her, then said he's just kidding. Nuria tried to smile.

Bertha told Fabricio if he wants to be freed he has to become her defender, "It's not a request, it's an order." Fabricio said, "I'm going to denounce you for this, and for the deaths of Florencia's doctors." Bertha said, "Imagine your little woman or Rebeca tortured in front of your eyes."

Renata (still living at her father's house) visited the Jimenez house to take care of Amparo, who appears to have the flu. Carola asked Renata to teach her how to dress and do her makeup more naturally. Renata agreed. (I don't think Renata's makeup is any more natural than Carola's, but they didn't ask me.)

Guapo gave Fabricio some sort of shot. Bertha told him she wants Fabricio's suffering to be psychological, not physical. She ordered Guapo to tell Fab. in great detail about the atrocities he will commit against Florencia, their baby, and Rebeca if Fab. goes to the police. Guapo carried out her instructions.

Renata dreamed she was telling Juan she wanted to break up with him. Then she woke up and said, "I would die if Juan hated me."

Miranda asked Renata if she knows who was beating Lizania. Renata said no, but Lizania said at Miranda's wedding that Renata introduced her to the man. Renata concluded, "The only man I introduced to Lizania was Cesar."

The next day Miranda went to Cesar's apartment and said, "Lizania is here, isn't she!" but was surprised to see Nuria coming out of his bedroom instead. Just then Miranda got a phone call from Daira, who said the body of a woman resembling Lizania had been found.

Miranda and Cesar (ugh) identified the body. Cesar lectured Miranda for thinking he would ever hit a woman. He said his "friends" who saw the real abuser were tourists who had since left the country.

Fernanda spoke to the medical examiner and learned Lizania had the same hereditary heart condition as Florencia and Alfredo Luque. Lizania died of a heart attack brought on by very high stress. Cesar told Daira, "You don't know how sorry I am." Santiago said Miranda was arranging Lizania's cremation.

At home, Daira told Miranda that Lizania was the light of Alejandro's eyes. Santiago assured them that Alejandro's mother (his sister) had Alejandro thoroughly tested when he was a child and his heart is fine.

Alejandro arrived and asked, "Do you have news of Lizania?" No one answered, but Daira pointed at the container of Lizania's ashes. Alejandro fell on his knees, hugging the container and crying.

Words/phrases from this episode:
trámite = step, procedure
estrés muy alto = very high stress
defunción = death
matón = bully, killer

colmo = limit
durar = to go on
dudar = to doubt
huir = to flee
orden = order (command)
apelar = appeal


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