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I'm trying to learn Spanish by watching telenovelas. Please share your comments about the shows, too. I know I'm not the only English-speaking person who's hooked on telenovelas!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Heridas de Amor - Episode 125

Fabricio asked for permission to call Julio "Papa," saying, "If you are my father, I want my child to have a grandfather." Julio warned him to stay away from Cesar for his own safety.

Vicente told Luciano he thinks Liliana is "completely in love" with Alejandro.

Bertha showed up at the hacienda, startling Gabino, Arcadia, and Nati. She demanded the gun, but Nati said, "I don't have it. Senorita Miranda has it."

Miranda arrived with Alejandro and Fernanda. Bertha ordered the servants to leave, but Miranda said Nati should stay. Before Gavino left, Bertha said maliciously, "Gavino has something very important to tell you," and Gavino looked nervous.

Miranda took out the gun and said to Bertha, "I want to know what you did with this gun that night" because everything started then. Bertha said, "This gun was the conclusion, not the start. It started years ago," when she, Fernanda, and Sofia (Alejandro's mother) were all in love with Alfredo Luque.

She said she'd told Sofia that Fernanda and Alfredo were lovers. That, along with a problem with Sofia's pills, led to Sofia's death. I don't know whether she actually confessed to tampering with Sofia's pills, but Alejandro grabbed Bertha by the throat and said she was to blame for everything.

Fernanda said, "That is why you forced me to marry Gonzalo." Bertha said yes, but it was always the same, Alfredo was always talking about "his beautiful memory, Fernanda. He scorned me."

Nati said, "Confess, viper!" that Bertha had told Alfredo that Fernanda wanted to run away with him. Bertha admitted it, then said Alfredo and Gonzalo were both in love with Fernanda, "How ridiculous."

Nati said she and Tomasa saw Bertha shoot Alfredo. Fernanda asked who Bertha was trying to kill. Bertha said she was trying to kill Fernanda. She remembered apologizing to Alfredo, thinking he was dead, but said that was the last time she ever apologized.

Alejandro said Bertha should go to jail, that she was "sick in the head." Bertha said she gave Gonzalo the idea to throw Fernanda out of the house, and she was the one who told him to threaten to kill Fernanda's daughters. Miranda said she would kill Bertha with her own hands, but Alejandro restrained her.

Bertha said, "None of you loved Alfredo and Gonzalo the way I did. The way I love you, Miranda, Alejandro, sister" (looking at each of them). Alejandro shouted, "No one understands your way of loving!"

Bertha grabbed the gun and put it to her chin, saying, "Bertha de Aragon is one to be free, never to go to jail!" Alejandro tried to stop her from leaving the library, but Nati said Bertha had to "complete her destiny." Alejandro said, "No, she has to pay!" but Bertha left.

Alejandro complained to Fernanda, Miranda, and Nati about letting Bertha go (hello, did he expect Nati to tackle Bertha? I didn't see him make a serious effort to stop her).

Gavino and Arcadia returned and said they saw Bertha leaving with a man. Alejandro said, "Bertha left here alone," but they insisted someone was with her. Nati said, "Don't question them." (Was Bertha with Guapo, or Gonzalo's ghost??)

Meanwhile, Roman told Amparo they should hold a farewell party for Raul and Carola. He said Luis Alberto and Nuria left Cesar "completely ruined." Amparo chuckled and said, "Fair punishment for his perversity!"

Cesar meanwhile was drinking and saying to himself, "No one defeats Cesar Beltran. I'm going to look for Luis Alberto and I'm going to find him!" Just then Roman called and told him not to bother looking for Luis Alberto and Nuria because they had already left the country, and thanks to Cesar's "altruism" they were going to help many poor children.

Cesar yelled, "It's my money!" insisted he would find them, then hung up. He said to himself, "My money in the hands of strangers! It can't be!"

Amparo and Roman got Francisco's approval for their marriage (at least, I think that's what they were talking about; I didn't understand most of it).

The next day, Alejandro and Fernanda left the hacienda. Before leaving, Alejandro embraced Miranda and asked if he could attend her chocolate presentation. She said of course. Miranda then wandered alone around the library, crying, with the door open, never mind that crazy Bertha or Guapo might be lurking. She said, "Rest in peace, Papa," before she left.

At Alejandro's office, Vicente told Luciano that someone(?) was going to bring charges against Julio and Cesar, and that Fabricio should be informed. Luciano informed Vicente and Alejandro that officials are watching the airports and borders for Cesar and Bertha.

Liliana asked to speak with Alejandro alone, so the others left. I didn't entirely understand Liliana's complaint but I think she said the San Llorente case documents had been taken away from her and she had found a check on her desk. (How many times does Alejandro have to tell her that she's fired???)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

One more week! I imagine Bertha and Cesar will pack as much "perversity" into this last week as possible. Since there is a newborn do you suppose they will try to kidnap Enrique...again? In my very short telenovela viewing career I've noticed that the poor little babies usually get nabbed then rescued in the final hour.

9:23 PM  
Blogger NONE said...

Yes, you're right, Bertha won't be a dutiful telenovela villain if she doesn't kidnap Enrique one more time!

I'm surprised that the show is dragging so much at this point. Only a few days to go, but the writers seem to be out of ideas. I'm curious to see if Bertha and Cesar finally kill each other, or if Bertha gets killed by her own dog --?

10:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bertha killed by Lucas? You should be writing the finale for this one. That's brilliant!

11:38 PM  
Blogger NONE said...

Thank! Oh, I wish they'd let me write the end of this show -- they have wasted time on Liliana when so many more interesting things could have happened.

The resolution of the Renata-Juan storyline is particularly lame. Renata should have suffered a lot more, had a terrifying experience with Cesar that made her realize how stupid she was to fixate on his money, and learned to value something besides big rooms full of furniture.

I was also hoping Daira would come back and fall in love with Francisco. There's no time for that now, but given his resentment of rich people, it would have been very interesting.

5:50 PM  

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