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Monday, January 08, 2007

Heridas de Amor - Episode 126

Alone in his apartment, Cesar said to himself, "Now I'm like Bertha, talking to a dog," then told Lucas (the dog) that Alejandro and Miranda "can't be happy."

Bertha arrived, saw that Cesar had smashed up the apartment, and asked, "What's going on?" Cesar said, "Never in your life ask me to take care of dogs," then complained that Luis Alberto and Nuria were going to use his fortune to help starving children, saying, "Is it fair?"

Bertha said, "You and I are going to be together forever." Cesar replied sarcastically, "And with your dog we will be a perfect family, right?" then left the room. Bertha said to herself, "We're not going to finish, Cesar, I assure you."

At the office, Liliana cried and asked Alejandro to give Sofia "a little time." He said ok, but "only as a friend." Liliana said, "I love you so much. My daughter needs you so much."

Meanwhile, Miranda was holding a party to celebrate her new chocolate business. She told Fabricio she was upset because Alejandro wasn't there. Fabricio offered to help her, then kissed her. Miranda said, "I swear I love you with all my soul, but not like that." Fabricio apologized.

Later Miranda told Pamela she'd been thinking about Alejandro's absence from the party and had decided "the best thing to do is renew my relationship with Fabricio."

Alejandro, meanwhile, was at Liliana's house. He said, "I want to know something about Sofia's father," but Liliana refused to answer, saying, "The only thing I will say is he's a great man" and that he didn't know Sofia was his daughter.

Alejandro (THE IDIOT) said, "If I were free, I would never let you leave my side, because you are a beautiful woman... intelligent..." then hugged her.

When Alejandro finally showed up at the hotel, Miranda's party was over. He told Nati, "Miranda's never going to forgive me." Nati said, "Look for her, but don't talk. Listen."

Back at her house, Miranda told Pamela she had been having dizzy spells. Pamela asked if she was pregnant. Renata offered to give Miranda a pregnancy-test kit. Juan told Renata not to raise Miranda's hopes, saying Miranda had hormonal problems and might just be tired.

Marisol (Liliana's friend) nagged Liliana to continue pursuing Alejandro, calling Liliana "too scrupulous." Liliana asked, "How is it possible we've been friends all these years?" Marisol told her to "beg Alejandro, if necessary," unless Liliana wanted "a mediocre life" and wanted Sofia to be "as mediocre as you are." Liliana slapped her.

Back at Cesar's apartment, Cesar told Bertha, "You know how we're going to end up? Crazies. Talking to ourselves, making confession to a dog. Right, Lucas?"

Sanson showed up, saying he was sick and needed money. Bertha gave him some cash from her purse and said they didn't need his services anymore. Cesar sneered and said something about Sanson being infected.

Sanson called Bertha "Medusa... no, Cruella deVille," and added, "You are sicker than I am," saying that his illness was physical and could be treated with medication, but Bertha and Cesar were sick in their souls. Cesar snapped, "Get out or you're not going to leave here alive." Sanson threw Bertha's money back at her, then left.

At the end of the episode, Fabricio overheard Renata and Pamela talking about Miranda's pregnancy test. He asked Miranda, "Are you pregnant?"


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