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I'm trying to learn Spanish by watching telenovelas. Please share your comments about the shows, too. I know I'm not the only English-speaking person who's hooked on telenovelas!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Heridas de Amor - Episode 129

Liliana told Miranda that Sofia's love for Alejandro had given her (Liliana) the strength to fight for Alejandro. She asked Miranda to give Alejandro his freedom.

Miranda replied, "Alejandro is not a boy," that he was free to make his own decisions. "I love Alejandro because he is independent; he is free." She opened the door and told Liliana that she (Miranda) was a lady. Liliana said it was easy for Miranda to say that because she was rich. Miranda said, "Love isn't a matter of rich or poor." They said goodbye and Liliana left.

Miranda told Fernanda and Renata she was going to Puerto Vallarta with Fabricio and didn't want Alejandro to know where she was. Then she told Fernanda and Renata that she loved them and wanted them all to open their eyes every morning "knowing we are united. Never more are we going to be separated."

Renata said to Miranda, "Forgive me for all the times I insulted you and did horrible things." Miranda and Renata both told Fernanda they loved her. Fernanda said she loved them, too, and there were hugs all around.

Bertha woke up and found herself tied to a chair in a shack. Guapo (his hand now somehow healed?) asked why she'd tried to commit suicide, saying it was "an act of cowardice for a woman like you." Bertha said, "You disgust me. Let me die. Kill me." Guapo told her, "No more orders!" and said she had to stay within those four walls. Bertha said, "I can't stand small spaces. Kill me." Guapo gagged her again.

Days later: Alejandro told Vicente and Luciano that Bertha had hired a corrupt lawyer in Italy to try to get his father's inheritance. Apparently Alejandro straightened that problem out while he was in Italy. He said he would win Miranda back no matter how he had to humiliate himself "because she's the only woman for me."

Liliana arrived and told Alejandro it was the last time she would see him because she didn't want to come between him and Miranda. She said Miranda was a great woman who loved Alejandro.

Liliana also said she'd told Sofia's father about Sofia's existence and he was happy about it. (So I was mistaken to think Sofia's father had something to do with Miranda.) Alejandro said, "I hope you'll be very happy." Liliana said, "You, too." They hugged and said "adios."

Alejandro went to the hacienda but couldn't find Miranda or anyone else at the big house. He met Arcadia, who said she didn't know where Miranda was. She told him Miranda and Fabricio had been spending a lot of time together.

Meanwhile, Bertha, still tied up at Guapo's shack, repeated to herself, "I have to die." She thought she saw her dog, and said, "Lucas, you are here. Help me." Then she realized, "I am delirious."

Guapo came into the room and said, "Very well, Bertha, we've come to the moment to remove the fear and the hate," and some other things I didn't understand. I couldn't stand to watch this scene closely but I think he cut off some of her fingers. Ughhh. Much as I dislike Bertha, I don't think this scene was necessary.

In Puerto Vallarta, Charo asked Miranda if she still loved Alejandro. Miranda said yes. Rebeca arrived and told Miranda that Julio was in bad shape and needed a heart transplant. (So why did Rebeca decide to go on vacation??)

Back at the hacienda, Alejandro, running around and yelling like a maniac, finally found Gavino. At first Gavino said he couldn't reveal where Miranda was. Al. asked if she was with Fabricio, and Gavino said yes. Alejandro begged to know where Miranda was, and Gavino finally told him, adding, "First thing tomorrow they're going to Europe. Hurry!"

Alejandro ran off, but for some reason stopped to drink chocolate with Nati (don't ask me). She told him, "Look for the girl, but don't listen if she talks. Love isn't about words."

Cesar checked into Miranda's hotel under the name Alejandro Luque. He paid cash and told the desk clerk he would only stay for one night. Charo spotted him and told Rebeca, "There is young Cesar!" but Rebeca insisted Cesar wasn't in Mexico. Cesar said to himself, "So, you're also here, Mama. That's good. Who better to help me?"

He grabbed Rebeca and snarled at her to listen to him. Rebeca refused, so Cesar said in his fake sad voice, "The world can condemn me, but not you. You are my mama. You have to help me."

Rebeca said, "I'm not going to help with anything!" and said something about Bertha being worse than Cesar. Cesar snarled, "Bertha is not with me." Rebeca said, "Let go of me or I'll call the police!" During this conversation Cesar appeared to be on the verge of vomiting (I can't help wondering if Bertha poisoned him).

Fabricio told Miranda he wanted to marry her, saying, "Don't tell me you don't feel the same as me." Miranda said, "Understand that you don't awaken anything in me as a man." Fabricio asked her to give him a second chance, then kissed her. Alejandro arrived, saw them, and said (I think), "How nice that you've made good use of your time.


Blogger Arkibel said...

Have enjoyed each of your synopsis.

What do you plan to review in the future?

9:03 AM  
Blogger NONE said...

Arkibel, thank you! After this show is over (tonight), I'm going to take a break from doing recaps. However, I'm hoping to keep the blog going, if anyone is interested.

I'm going to watch the new telenovela, Duelo de Pasiones, so I can comment on that, and also on La Fea Mas Bella, which I've been watching although not regularly.

3:07 PM  

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